Veterinarian's Apawthecary
Veterinarian's Apawthecary was founded in 2010 by animal herbalist Greg Tilford, to formulate advanced herbal formulas for veterinarians that are experienced in the uses of herbal remedies in animals. Each formula was developed on the requests of practitioners who expressed their needs for natural remedies that can be used in support of the natural healing systems of dogs, cats and other animals. As opposed to most conventional drugs which are used to suppress only the symptoms of disease, Veterinarian's Apawthecary remedies are intended to holistically support "the whole body" of the animal. Years of clinical use, and the expressed "approvals" of dozens of veterinarians have led to broader distribution of select Veterinarian's Apawthecary products to not-vet pet lovers. Animal Essentials is proud to be the exclusive distributor of Veterinarian's Apawthecary to the general public and the growing community of integrative veterinarians that applaude the levels of quality and expertise that goes into these products.